Guest Post #2

This is Gustav's favorite sister izzy, and then it goes marshy, and then maggie is the least favored sibiling. heh heh heh. Anyways, Gustav is leaving for a FRIENDS VOLEYBALL GAME so he let me write in his blog since i have been sick all day and am quite bored. WOOHOOO! Actually i caught up on my sex and the city episodes and watched all the episodes of season 3 today (18). It was a productive day. Anywayss, gustav is the best big brother.. way better than jamiee. jk i love jamie too. sometimes. & in about a week it will be Gustavs first halloween wooot! except i don't know what he is being yet. And then in november he is gonna celebrate his first thanksgiving with us and we are going to washington DC to celebrate it. THEN FINALLY, in december. we're going to HAWAII. i am counting down the days! i cannoooooooooooot wait. none of you probably really care and all probably think i have no life but i swear i do, and gustav is going to be embarrassed by me. ohh well. I'm totally gonna face rape him now because he left his facebook up .. success. so yeah have a good night everyone who reads this!
love, izzy


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